League Info
Ball size info
Boys and girls in Grades k, 1st, and 2nd will use a 27.5" ball.
Boys and girls in Grades 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th and girls in Grades 7th-12th will use a 28.5" ball.
Boys in Grades 7th-12th will use a full size ball
Please take time to read all of these rules. They will help you with practice and game situations/strategy.
- Each team in grades 3-8 will be given one practice of 90 minutes per week. If a scheduled practice is cancelled due to a school activity, the missed practice may be made up if a time can be worked out with the facility at which you practice or at another CYBA authorized facility. Weather makeups are not rescheduled through CYBA.
- 1/2nd graders will have one 60 minute practice beginning in November through mid December. When the season begins the teams move to a 20 minute practice and a 40 minute game combination on Saturdays.
- Practices can only be held in authorized CYBA facilities which may include gyms at Columbia Public Schools and Gans Creek recreation complex. We have also used in the past: Our Lady of Lourdes Interparish School (Columbia Catholic School), Father Tolton Catholic High School, Christian Fellowship, The Crossing if there are teams from those private schools/churches.
- Teams may share gym space with other CYBA teams. Middle school gyms are split. Teams may use their time to practice together, separately or scrimmage other CYBA teams.
- Teams may scrimmage other CYBA teams within their allocated practice times. If a CYBA team visits another authorized CYBA practice location other than their usual site, that scrimmage will count as their practice time for that week.
- CYBA teams can not scrimmage any non-league teams at CYBA authorized or non-authorized facilities.
- If a team is not going to practice during their regular practice time, please notify the Columbia Public Schools representative and CYBA that you will have a vacancy (they can use your time for someone else that week) please give as much notice as possible.
- Any violation of practice will be taken seriously and will reflect upon the individual coach. Knowingly having more than one practice will result in the dismissal of the coach.
- CYBA teams are GUESTS in the school gyms. Please be sure to respect the space. CYBA is only allowed to be in the gym and the bathrooms. Do not wander the school halls. Please do not drop off your player unless you are certain that an adult is in the school gym. CPS reserves the right to cancel any teams practice for disrespectful and vandelous behavior.
MSHAA rules apply with the following exceptions:
- EXCEPTION: k, 1st, & 2nd Grade Boys & Girls Teams
- 1 hour session: Approximately 20 minutes of practice and approximately 40 minutes of game time. Hoop height is 8"6"
3rd Grade Boys and
- No press. double teaming or trapping at any time
- No zone defense
- First week only, officials will give verbal warnings on travel and double dribble calls. Hoop height is 10'
- Six fouls per player
3/4th grade Girls
- No press. double teaming or trapping at any time
- No zone defense
- First week only, officials will give verbal warnings on travel and double dribble calls. Hoop height is 9'
- 6 fouls per player
4th Grade Boys
- No double teaming or trapping at any time
- No zone defense
- First week only, officials will give verbal warnings on travel and double dribble calls
- May press the last 4 minutes of each half unless your team is up by 10 points or more; at that time, you must fall back to mid-court
- 6 fouls per player
5th-6th Grade Boys and 5/6th Grade Girls
- No double teaming or trapping at any time
- No zone defense
- May press the last 4 minutes of each half unless your team is up by 10 points or more; at that time, you must fall back to mid-court
- 5 fouls per player
7th/8th Grade Boys
- May press at any time unless your team is up by 10 points or more; at that time, you must fall back to mid-court
- 5 fouls per player
9th - 12th Grade Boys & 7-12th grade Girls
- All CYBA games will use straight High School Federation Rules, with the following exceptions:
- May press at any time unless your team is up by 10 points or more; at that time, you must fall back to mid-court
There is NO DUNKING ever during practices or games. Dunking will result in a technical foul and suspension from the next game.
Game Length
3rd-8th grade boys and 3-6th Grade girls
- Four 8 minute quarters with 3 minute intermission and one minute between quarters. Player rotations every 4 minutes. The clock will stop for the following: Free throws/foul shots, injuries, team time-outs and any reason deemed necessary by the officials
- * Last 2 minutes of first and second half the clock will stop according to Federation rules.
- Standard rules apply
- Overtime will be 2 minutes long. Second overtime will be sudden death. Coaches may play any 5 players during overtime. May sub on a dead ball in overtime. This will be a continuous running clock, stopping only for the above reasons.
Time Outs
- Two time-outs per half. (Time outs will be 1 minute in length)
- Time-outs will not carry over from the first half to the second half or from the second half to overtime.
- One time out in overtime.
Player Participation & Substitution Rules
For grades 1-8 boys and 1-6 girls
Number of Players/Playing Time:
10--All players will play 16 minutes.
9--Five players will play 16 minutes.
Four players will play 20 minutes (if you consistently have 9 players, it is required that the 25 minutes playing time will be distributed evenly over the course of the season alternating from game to game).
8--Each player will play 20 minutes.
7--Five players will play 24 minutes; two players will play 20 minutes.
The playing time will be distributed evenly over the course of the season, alternating from game to game.
6--There will be some flexibility with normal substitution rules as worked out before the game with the references and opposing coach.
It is highly recommended to work out your substitution pattern in advance of game time to eliminate having to make judgments during the game that may not be accurate. Coaches are required to have a written, verifiable player rotation. Referees/scorekeepers have the right to ask for that rotation.
- Substitution rules apply to leagues for Grades 3rd-8th only.
- It is mandatory to substitute every five minutes regardless of the number of players on your team. When the substitution time-out occurs, you must clear your bench unless you have eleven players.
- No substitution will be made at any other time unless an injury occurs or a player fouls out. You cannot substitute during time-outs unless a player is injured or fouls out. If that occurs, you must notify the referee that you are doing so. Failure to substitute according to the rules can result in a technical foul.
- If a player leaves during the course of a game and the coach is aware prior to the start of the game, the coach must notify both the officials and the other coach prior to the start of the game itself. If a player leaves because of illness, emergency or any other reason during the game, the coach must notify the officials and make every effort to play the remaining players equally.
- Failure to comply with these rules can result in the forfeiture of the game.
Technical Foul Rules
- Note that technical fouls are cumulative for the entire season.
- **Rulebook technical fouls do not count against the coach nor do any technicals assessed to the team due to spectators behavior.**
- Player Technicals:
- 1st technical-players-MSHAA rules
- 2nd technical-player is ejected from the game and must sit out. Player is suspended from the next game
- 3rd technical-player is ejected from the game and suspended for the rest of the season
For example, if a player receives a technical foul in game one and then another in game three, the player will be ejected from the game and suspended for the following game. Should the player receive a third technical, then the player will be suspended for the rest of the season.
- Coach Technicals**:
- 1st Technical: MSHAA rules apply.
- 2nd Technical: Ejection from game and suspended for the rest of the season.
- If a technical is called on a spectator, they will be asked to leave the gymnasium (and cannot watch) for the remainder of the game. A second technical during the season will result in suspension from all playing facilities for the rest of the season.
- Verbal or physical abuse of referees, coaches, players or other spectators will not be tolerated. Violators may be asked to leave or, if necessary, removed from the facility.
- If you are suspended from the season for technical, you will not be refunded your registration fees.
Loud/constant yelling from coaches from the sidelines during games will not be tolerated. Giving direction to your players is important, however, it must be done within the confines of the Coaches Box. Also, our facility staff/referees can use their discretion if behavior is 'over the top' or excessive.
There can only be two (2) coaches on the bench with only one (1) coach standing within the Coaches Box, everyone else must be seated on your team's bench. The officials will issue an initial bench warning, if more than two (2) coaches are on the bench. After issuing the warning the officials can issue a technical foul, if there continues to be more than two (2) coaches on the bench.
Due to referee and player safety, all spectators must be seated in the designated spectator sections.
Medical Waiver: Participants must recognize that all activities of a physical nature involve some risk and by registering for any
activity of this nature, there is an assumption of risk by the participant. The Columbia Youth Basketball Association (CYBA) is
dedicated to providing safe facilities and equipment for all participants. The CYBA, it’s Coaches, Directors and Coordinators—along
with the Columbia Parks and Recreation Department—assume no liability for personal injuries or loss of personal property of persons
participating in or attending CYBA activities.
In the event of a serious accident or illness, it is the policy of the CYBA to:
- Contact the Emergency Dispatch (911) to perform first aid and when necessary recommend transport of the victim to a hospital;
- Contact the parent or guardian as soon as the situation allows. Persons desiring a different procedure must notify the CYBA in
writing at the time of registration and also notify the coach of the team that the participant is on.
CYBA High School Recreational League Rules Games
All CYBA games will use straight High School Federation Rules, with the following exceptions:
Dunking the ball is NEVER allowed at any game or practice. This will result in suspension.
9th-12th Grade Boys and 9th-12th grade Girls may press at any time unless your team is up by ten
points; at that time, you must fall back to mid-court.
Girls in Grades 9th -12th will use a 28.5 ball.
Boys in Grades 9th -12 th will use a full size ball.
Game Length
● Four 8 minute quarters with 3 minute intermission and one minute between quarters. Player rotations
every 4 minutes. The clock will stop for the following: Free throws/foul shots, injuries, team time-outs
and any reason deemed necessary by the officials
● * Last 2 minutes of first and second half the clock will stop according to Federation rules.
● Fouls reset every quarter
After 5 fouls per quarter, moves to 2 shots. No 1-1.
● Overtime will be 2 minutes long. Second overtime will be sudden death. Coaches may play any 5
players during overtime. May sub on a dead ball in overtime. This will be a continuous running clock,
stopping only for the above reasons.
Time outs
● Two time-outs per half. (Time outs will be 1 minute in length)
● Time-outs will not carry over from the first half to the second half or from the second half to overtime.
● One timeout in overtime with only one overtime.
Player Substitution
Please try to play all players on your bench fairly.
If your team has less than 7 players at a game, you are allowed to borrow CYBA registered players
from other teams in the same division. This can be done in advance, but players MUST be registered
with CYBA.
If players from your team show up late, the borrowed player(s) may not continue in the game if there
are more than 7 players total.
If any coach knowingly allows a non-CYBA registered player to participate in a CYBA game, that game
will be forfeit and the coach will be suspended for the remainder of the season. Players will be
required to provide ID at the time of the game to ensure all are registered with CYBA.
CYBA hopes everyone has a great season and enjoys their experience volunteering to help kids play the great game of basketball. If any coach has a question or issue they need help with, please contact us and we will be glad to help you.