Responsibilities of Players & Coaches
Responsibilities of Players & Coaches
- Treat all teammates and opponents with respect and dignity.
- Obey all team and league rules
- Give undivided attention to instruction of techniques, skills, and drills.
- Always practice and play with a clear mind.
- Report all injuries to the coach for further medical evaluation.
- Discourage rule violation by teammates or opponents.
- Play under emotional control at all times.
- Avoid aggressive acts of self-destruction.
- Compliment good performances of teammates and opponent.
- Return to play when an injury is completely rehabilitated.
- Show up at all practices and notify the coach if you are unable to attend.
Players And Coaches' Responsibilities To The Referee
B - Be understanding when a referee makes a decision.
A - Accepting the decisions of the referee show you are growing up.
S - Show the referee the same respect you'd want if you had the job.
K - Keep your emotions under control.
E - Don't Embarrass your coach and team by abusing the referee.
T - The referee has a Thankless task--don't make it harder for him or her.
B - Bad calls are rare and are not the reason a team loses the game.
A - Attempt to understand why the referee made a call--even when you disagree.
L - Remember, the referees carry a heavy Load when it comes to making instant decision.
L - Leave the reffing to the referees. Be a responsible role model.
Coaches' Responsibilities To Players
- Develop various sport skills.
- Learn how to cooperate and compete.
- Develop sense of achievement, which leads to positive self image.
- Develop an interest in and desire to continue participation in sports during adulthood.
- Develop independence.
- Develop social skills.
- Learn to understand and express emotion, imagination and appreciation for what the body can do.
- Develop speed, strength, endurance, coordination, flexibility and agility.
- Develop leadership skills.
- Learn to make decisions and accept responsibilities.
- You are more than a coach, you are a role model in not only your teaching of skills but by your interactions with players, parents, referees, and other coaches.