Rod Nolke Skills Clinic
The Rod Nolke Skills clinics are for 1st and 2nd grade boys and 1st-5th grade girls. All participants receive a clinic shirt and a basketball.
1/2nd grade boys: CYBA offers the skills clinics to boys in grades 1 and 2. Clinics will be held on October 14thth and 15th and October 21st and 22nd at the Columbia Sports Fieldhouse, Saturdays 8:00am-9:30am and Sundays 1-2:30pm. The focus of the clinics are to build confidence and basic skills. You may choose to participate only in the clinics or you may choose the COMBINATION option which enrolls your player in BOTH the skills clinic and the season league with a savings of $25 when combining!
1st-5th grade girls: CYBA wants to increase the number of young ladies participating in recreational sports and offers the skills clinics to increase confidence and teach basic skills. Clinics will be held on October 14th and 15th and October 21st and 22nd at the Columbia Sports Fieldhouse from 10:00-11:30 on Saturday and 3-4:30 on Sunday. Girls are put in groups with same age players. You may choose to participate only in the clinics or you may choose the COMBINATION option which enrolls your player in BOTH the skills clinic and the season league with a savings of $25 when combining!
If your player chooses not to participate in the league after the clinics and you have registered for the COMBINATION clinic and league, we will refund and only charge for the skills clinics. Your payment for the skills clinics includes ALL 4 SESSIONS.